Payment Methods

Payment Methods

The payment of orders can be made using the following methods:

  • Visa or Mastercard
  • Bank transfer or deposit

Eurocongres reserves the right to change the payment methods, being able to create new ones or eliminate some of the existing ones, without the user/client of being able to make claims for this reason. However, if the change in the payment method affected an order already made, from we would contact the client to inform them of such change, offering the option to cancel the order if they consider it appropriate.

The charge on your card is made in real time through the payment gateway of the corresponding financial entity and once it has been verified that the communicated data is correct.

With the aim of providing maximum security to the payment process, uses secure payment systems from leading financial entities. You can find additional information about the security of your data in the privacy policy section.

Credit cards will be subject to checks and authorizations by the issuing entity, but if such entity does not authorize payment, we will not be responsible for any delay or lack of delivery and we will not be able to formalize any Contract with You.

Eurocongres reserves the right to verify the personal data provided by the client and to take the measures it deems appropriate (including the cancellation of the order) to ensure compliance with these conditions.

Warranty of the products/services purchased

In accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, Eurocongres is responsible for the lack of conformity that appears within two years from delivery.

In case of lack of conformity, you must inform us within two months since you became aware of it through our email indicating your data, the number of your purchase invoice, and the detected anomaly. The failure to meet this deadline will not imply the loss of the warranty, but You will nevertheless be responsible for the damages or losses caused by the delay in communication. In the case of a manufacturing defect, Eurocongres will be responsible for the return costs, as well as the expenses related to labor and materials. Normally they are services not physical products, so the costs would be bank processing expenses.

For any questions or requests for information, you can contact Customer Service through our email or by calling 958 209 361

Comments and suggestions

We will be delighted to receive your comments and suggestions and for this purpose, we invite you to use our email or contact phone 958 209 361.

Delivery times

The delivery time for each service will be immediate by email that you provide at the time of purchase.

Shipping costs

The shipping or handling costs will be those published on the web at any time. These costs will be added to the price of the products/services and will be clearly shown before the order is placed